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Shannon Halloran

Please make checks payable to Cord Ministries International. Please include a separate note along with your check designating who you are choosing to become a support partner with.

Home of the Swallow


Cord Ministries International

PO Box 620760
Littleton, CO 80162


Attn: ID#

Shay volunteers with Home of the Swallow as the project developer and helps in variety of ways with administration, English correspondence, fundraising, coordinating with volunteers, web and media scribe, teaching Thai/English, and helping in whatever way she can. Although Shay often works behind the scenes, she always spends her extra time living life with the moms and babies. She sees her role as a way to empower the women find their worth in the Lord, be loving mothers, reach their greatest potential, and be a testimony to those around them so that God can receive all of the Glory.

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